Sunday, March 21, 2010

Divisional Action Reports - Turn 5


The attacks have very good momentum. Casualties moderate. Majority of our casualties are the result of aggresive mine field crossings to establish quick jump off points for the attacks. Russian casulaties very high both in terms of men and equipment. The Luftwaffe is not providing much support. High command is interested to see how the 2 different attack spear heads play out. In the north, there are 2 thrusts with divisions following each other in to battle. In the south, all attacking divisions are abreast of each other and attacking simultaneously.


As in the previous 4 turns, I will start off with a full blown bombbardment. The artillery will concentrate on units that I am already engaging as well as enemy artillery pieces and cannons.

This will probably be the last time for this full blown approach. As of turn 6 I'll need to start moving some artillery pieces to better support the attacks happening in the north and south. From then on, artillery action will be closely tied to division and corps operations.


Units starting at the upper portion of the line and proceeding all the way around the line to the bottom in a counter clock wise manner.

--- 262 Infanterie ---

Engaging various units from the Russian 63rd Army. The river Neruch is the boundary. Concentraiting my forces at the 3 river crossings on this front. Russians attacking hard at the heavy bridge near the town of Rodionovka. DIvision engaged but confident of holding the line.

--- 299 Infanterie ---

Combat with the Russian 73rd and 143rd Rifle divisions. Gained some ground in the area between Novyaya Zhizn and Vasilyevka. Enemy opposing us appear and act timid & weakend. Morale very good, men confident.

--- 383 Infanterie ---

Russian tank regiment from 48th army attacking strong on northern edge of our line. 533 infanterie regiment are taking large casualties. 2 panzer companies from the XXIII korps are supporting defensive actions south of Verknyaya.

--- 216 Infanterie w/ 87th Infanterie regiment attached on left wing ---

City on right (southern) wing named Mayskaya Zorka taken! We are up against elements of the 8th and 148th Rifle divisions. No Russian armor has been encountered.

--- 78 Sturm ---

Progress slow. Facing 148th Rifle and portions of the 129th Tanke Bde. No armor available to support against the Russian KV-1's & T-34's. Enemy attacking hard at Soglasnyy.

--- 86 Infanterie ---

Pushing hard towards Ponyri to draw forces away from planned attack of the panzer divisions on our right wing. This is not going very well as a regiment plus strength group from the Russian 3rd Tank Corps is on our right flank, directly in the planned path of the 18th Panzer division.

--- 292 Infanterie ---

Attacking around the Oka river to support planned attack of panzer divisions. Contact with elements of the 81st Rifle division as well as the 3rd Tank Corps.

--- 18 Panzer ---

Attacking at the seam of the 86th and 292nd Infanterie divisions towards Ponyri. Tigers supported by Panzergenediers in the lead. Large battle near Ochki with 3rd Tank Corps. Tiger. Initial progress good.

--- 9 Panzer ---

Following 18th Panzer towards Ponyri. No enemy contact yet.

--- 10 Panzergenadier ---

Following 9th Panzer towards Ponyri. No enemy contact yet.

--- 6 Infanterie ---

Currently on northern side of Oka river between Verk Tagino and Ozecki. All enmey activity on southern shore has ceased. We are putting in bridges to cross river and suppport panzer attacks. Acroos the Oka, we have seen pnzer units near Yasnaya Polyana.

--- 31 Infanterie ---

Attack towards Gnillets continues in support of large panzer attacks to our east. Our foes, the 132nd Russian Rifle division are not our equals! Gnillets will be taken!

--- 20 Panzer ---

Yasnaya Polyana has been taken. Will now follow the general course of the Oka to our north towards Aleksandrovka towards Ponyri.

--- 4 Panzer ---

Following 20th Panzer towards Ponyri. No enemy contact yet.

--- 2 Panzer ---

Following 4 Panzer towards Ponyri. No enemy contact yet.

--- 7 Infanterie ---

Exchanging fire with a battalion size force from the 280th Rifle divison on our right wing. No other contact on our line. Plans is to move forward aligned with the 31st Infanterie. General direction being the city of Buzova.

--- 258 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Left wing quiet and under control. Right wing under strong attack by 19th Tank Corps as well as the 240th Tank regiment. 12th Panzer units have arrived to re-inforce.

--- Manteuffel Brigade ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Right wing under control. Left wing under attack by 251st and 259th Tank regiments. 12th Panzer units have arrived to re-inforce.

--- 12 Panzer ---

Counter attacking the serious Russian armor thrust between Verk Grankino and Shepelevo.

--- 102 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. All under control. Have gained some ground between Opoykovo and Kucheryayevka.

--- 72 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Many fire fights along the line. All well in hand.

--- 45 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Opposing us are the 69th and 246 Rifle divisions of the 18th Rifle corps. Some minor fir fights along the line, but nothing serious. All under control.

--- 137 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Opposite us are the 194th and 354th Rifle divisions. Our units are well entrenched and ready. Only contact with the enemy at this moment is at the village of Markin. A company strengthed unit is attacking our 3rd battalion, 447 infanterie regiment.

--- 251 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. The Russian 193rd Rifle division is dug in across from us. They have set up HQ at the village of Dorovodye. Mutiple contacts with this unit. Ammo being used at a higher than expected rate. No danger of enemy break thru on this line.

--- 82 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Our units occupying well prepared positions. No real enemy contact to report. All quiet and stable.

--- 340 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Strong point of our line is at the bunker complex near Kurenka. Our right wing is very over extended. Enemy is probing the entire line. Portions of the right wing are becoming critical. Units may need to retreat to better defensive positions.

--- 327 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Left wing is extremely over extended. Units digging in to hold. On the right, we are pushing to take advantage of weak oppostion at a bridge crossing over the Seym river.

--- 88 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Fire fights on the left flank in the river Seym area. Enemy opposite us (240th and 180th Rifle divisions) are not pursuing any strong attacks. Line under control.

--- 75 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Entire left wing under attack by 167th Rifle division. We are holding out well. Enemy taking massive casualities. No danger of break thru.

--- 68 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Units well dug in and awaiting enemy action or further orders. All queit and stable.

--- 323 Infanterie ---

Orders are to attack at the seam of the 75th and 68th Infanterie divisions, thur the village of Bolshaya Chernetchina and push towards Miropolye. Attacks under way.

--- 57 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as it stands. Units well prepared. No enemy contact at this time.

--- 255 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the left wing while pushing steadily forward on the right to support the major panzer attacks taking place to the east. Engaged with the 100th Rifle division as well as tank units from the 40th Army. Action on the right proceeding well. On the left, we have a huge fight ongoing.

--- 332 Infanterie ---

Orders are to attack northward as strong as possible to support 3rd Panzer division attacking on our right. Attention needs to be paid to our left flank - Contact with the 255nd Infanterie division is to be retained. This sector will act as a supporting shoulder to the main thrusts of the XLVII Panzer corps going in to our right. Attacks under way. Nearing the city of Voskhod, aligned with the 3rd Panzer.

--- 3 Panzer ---

Attacking at full force. Encountering units of the 71st Guards Rifle division. Driving for the heavy bridge at Melovoye and then north east.

--- Gross Deutschland Panzergenadier ---

Attacking at full force. Encountering minimal resistance. Heading to the crossing at Chapayev and then north east.

--- 11 Panzer ---

Attacking at full force. Little resistance. Moving east of Cherkasskoye in a north east direction.

--- 167 Infanterie ---

Orders are to attack northward to support 11th Panzer division attacking on our left. Main action is now centered around the town of Nova Cherkasskoye.

--- LSSAH Panzergenadier ---

Attacking at full force. Line of advance - Bykovka - Yakovlevo - Pokrovka

--- Topenkopf Panzergenadier ---

Attacking at full force. Line of advance - Gremuchy - Smorodino - Luchki

--- Das Reich Panzergenadier ---

Attacking at full force. Line of advance - Genki - Nepkhayevo. Bridging operations to be performed there to cross the Lipovyy Donets river.

--- 168 Infanterie ---

Fighting north of Belgorod. Supporting II SS Panzer corps on our left and assiting III Panzer corps on our right.

--- 19 Panzer ---

Attacking at full force thru Staryy Gorod in a north eastern direction.

--- 6 Panzer ---

Following 19th Panzer towards Staryy Gorod. No enemy contact yet.

--- 7 Panzer ---

Attacking at full force. Have transported most of the division across the Northern Donets river. A rear guard is defending Razumnoye from attacks out of the south while the main divisional spear-head is attacking the 81st Guards Rifle division on their southern flank.

--- 106 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold line as is. We are engaged with undetermined company strenght units. All under control.

---320 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold line as is. Have crossed the Severnyy Donets and are pushing the line slightly north eastwards.

--- 282 Infanterie ---

Orders to hold the line as is. All under control.

Campaign Status - Turn 5

Victory Conditions overview and the Jump Map overview after Turn 5.

Campaign Status - Turn 4

Victory Conditions overview and the Jump Map overview after Turn 4.

Campaign Status - Turn 3

Victory Conditions overview and the Jump Map overview after Turn 3.

Campaign Status - Turn 2

Victory Conditions overview and the Jump Map overview after Turn 2.

Campaign Status - Turn 1

Victory Conditions overview and the Jump Map overview after Turn 1.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Operation Citadel aka Battle of Kursk

Following their disastrous defeat at Stalingrad, the German armed forces launched a climactic offensive in the East known as Operation Citadel. The Germans' goal during Operation Citadel was to pinch off a large salient in the Eastern Front that extended 70 miles toward the west. If their plan succeeded, the Germans would encircle and destroy more than five Soviet armies. Such a victory would have forced the Soviets to delay their operations and might have allowed the Germans some desperately needed breathing room on the Eastern Front.

As we know from the historical record, the Germans never came close to breaking the Soviet defenses and they soon became deadlocked in a war of attrition that they could not win. The major problem with their plan was that the Russians had built dense fortifications in order to counter such an attack and most of the Russian tanks had been moved deeper behind the front line to deal with any break out attempts by the Germans. Instead of an open battlefield Blitzkrieg, it was going to be a direct charge into dense anti-tank defenses. The general staff warned that such a direct attack will be a "Totenritt", a ride to the death, for the German tanks. Hitler himself admitted that whenever he thought about the planned attack, his guts turned. After the battle of Kursk, the war in the eastern front was a long Russian advance, in which the Russian army regained all the territory it lost to the Germans, conquered all of Eastern Europe and reached all the way to Berlin to win the war.

I am interested to see if some “minor changes” to the order of battle can result in a different outcome for the Germans. The Germans did delay the start of the operation to allow some Tiger tanks to reach some of the panzer divisions. Those that did reach the battle field were only of company strength and only made it to a few of the panzer divisions.

I have decided that in this “alternate history” campaign, that each panzer division will be provided with a battalion of Tiger tanks. Additionally, I have increased the engineer capacity of each of the panzer divisions to aid with mine and obstacle clearing. This based on the knowledge that the German intelligence services certainly had about the defensive lines that the Russians were preparing.

For the task at hand, I will command a formidable German mobile armored force with great offensive potential. In total, there are 50 divisions, including 17 armor and mechanized divisions as well as air and artillery units. Included are the most powerful and best equipped German divisions, such as Gross Deutschland, Leibstandarte, Totenkopf, and Das Reich. I will concentrate all of the armor on the north and south attach points.

On the northern flank, the armored spear-head will consist of 6 panzer divisions (2nd, 4th, 9th, 12th, 18th and 20th) and 1 panzer grenadier division (10th).

On the southern flank, the armored spear-head with consist of 8 panzer divisions (1st SS, 2nd SS, 3rd SS, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 11th and 19th) and 1 panzer grenadier division (Groß Deutschland).

The overall strategy is to use the armored spear-heads to envelop all forces inside the Kursk salient and then destroy them !!

I’ll be using a kick ass simulation game to perform this historical re-enactment. The game is known as Panzer Campaigns – Kursk ‘43. This historically accurate game covers the gigantic German Summer Offensive in 1943, when they attempted to cut off the huge bulge in the Soviet lines near the town of Kursk. I’ll be playing the complete grand historical campaign lasting 121 turns!

Game features include …
• 1-kilometer hexes
• Each turn represents 2 hours
• A master map measuring approximately 380 by 300 kilometers
• Over 4,700 units representing the German and Soviet forces, mainly at battalion and company level.
• Players control tank, reconnaissance, artillery, infantry, parachute, engineer, remote controlled demolition vehicles, antitank, flak, rocket, headquarters and a wide variety of other specialized units

The image at the top of this post is the actual game jump screen map of the battlefield. I will be using this to show my progress (or lack or it !) during the course of the game. The German forces are indicated with RED. The Russian forces are indicated with BLUE. As you can clearly see, I have my work cut out for me!

Now on to the game …